Meet our clients! An interview series where some of our clients and therapists introduce themselves and how they use PharmaLights LED Light Therapy/LLLT products in their business and therapy.
This gives new customers a good insight into how PharmaLights LED Light Therapy/LLLT products can be used and is a presentation of our products and of how existing customers use the products regularly. It is also a way for our existing customers to market their businesses.

Name/Name of business:
My name is Juliette Savela and I run JS Horse Health
This is how long I have been using PharmaLight's LED light therapy:
I purchased my Photizo Vetcare in 2017 while I was training to be an equine masseur and have been using it extensively ever since.
Here's how I use PharmaLight's LED light therapy in my daily business:
I always use it after a massage on stiff muscles but also on different types of injuries such as strains and even on wounds to help with healing and reduce scar tissue. In addition to treating horses, I also treat dogs with Photizo Vetcare for various types of wounds and injuries.
On these occasions, I experience great effect from PharmaLight's LED light treatment:
Of course, I see great benefits for stiff and tense muscles. But it has also worked wonders on wounds that have been difficult to heal.
This is how I treat preventively with PharmaLights LED light therapy:
I work preventively by treating the areas where I know that an individual is usually tense or sore/in pain. If it is an individual that I do not know about such places, I treat muscles where tension is common.
Here's what I do when treating various injuries with PharmaLight's LED light therapy:
It varies depending on the type of injury. I prefer to treat acute injuries such as wounds or sprains daily at first and then taper off.
Would you recommend PharmaLights LED light therapy to more customers?
Absolutely! I see so many benefits in treating with LED light therapy on both my clients' and my own animals.

Name/Name of business:
My name is Cecilia Cervin and I have been running CC's Health and Massage since 2013 and Näsets Hästmassage since 2016. I am a certified massage therapist (Hälsoteket) and a certified equine masseur and laser therapist (Axelsons Animal Massage School) with a focus on both horse and rider for a better whole and horse welfare !
How long have you been using PharmaLight's LED light therapy?
In 2016 I bought my first Pharmalight Vetcare at the Falsterbo Horseshow and have now been a faithful companion for 8 years. It is frequently used on horses, humans, dogs and cats.
How do you use PharmaLight's LED light therapy in your daily business?
I mainly use Vetcare as I mainly work with horses these days. It is mainly used on muscle tension, wounds, scar tissue, stress points and is a perfect complement to my hands and other aids.
On these occasions, I experience great effect from PharmaLight's LED light treatment:
The light treatment really helps the body to relax with its heat. If you relax, many tensions disappear. Horses with Kissing Spines love my Vetcare!
This is how I work preventively with PharmaLights LED light therapy:
I try to make my customers/owners more aware of what they themselves can contribute to prevention. Depending on how active they are, I always recommend frequent visits at 1-3 month intervals for best results.
Here's what I do when treating various injuries with PharmaLight's LED light therapy:
I always find out as much information as I can about the individual in order to treat in the best way. What has happened? How old is the individual? How extensive is the damage? Is it a recurring injury, etc. The LED light is the best way to speed up the body's healing process and to relieve pain.
Would you recommend PharmaLights LED light therapy to more customers?
Recommend Pharmalight any day of the week and many of my clients have already acquired a Vetcare that should be in everyone's home as it can be used by anyone, anytime, anywhere. Incredibly easy to work with!

Name/Name of business:
My name is Madelene Friberg and I run the company Frihet med hästen.
How long have you been using PharmaLight's LED light therapy?
I bought my first PharmaLight, Photizo VetCare, in 2022 and it is one of my best purchases!
How do you use PharmaLight's LED light therapy in my daily business?
I use it privately for my own horses and in my business when needed. It is used on muscle tension or on points where the horse does not want me to massage, then it is great to be able to use PharmaLight's light treatment. I also use it on myself when I have a wound, injury or pain somewhere.
On these occasions, I experience great effect from PharmaLight's LED light treatment:
I experience a great effect on wounds and I have noticed a big difference in horses that do not want to be massaged on certain points, when I used light treatment on the point I have been able to go in and massage these points without problems. All the horses I have met can really relax with the help of PharmaLight's LED light therapy. I have also noticed a great effect on myself when I have had pain in my back.
This is how I treat preventively with PharmaLights LED light therapy:
I like to use it on the places where my horse needs extra help, in this case on the neck and lower back, usually it is a treatment after training. And that I use it preventively on customers' horses where I know the horse has a problem before and if necessary when I do lymphatic massage to get extra circulation.
Here's what I do when treating various injuries with PharmaLight's LED light therapy:
Based on which injury applies, I set up a treatment plan. When it comes to wounds, I usually treat 2 times a day for the first 3 days, then I taper off, depending on how the healing looks and what kind of treatment plan I have.
Would you recommend PharmaLights LED light therapy to more customers?
Absolutely, I would recommend all horse owners to have a Photizo VetCare at home in their stable pharmacy. Then you can immediately start treating an injury, which is also perfect for us humans if we are in pain somewhere or have received an injury when we have been out in the stable

Name/Name of business:
Maia Nordquist and runs MN Equestrian AB. The business is based on working with the horse as an individual and as a whole.
How long have you been using PharmaLight's LED light therapy?
I started using PharmaLight's LED light treatments in 2018 and have been treating horses, dogs and people ever since.
How do you use PharmaLight's LED light therapy in your daily business?
I use both PharmaLights Photizo Professional and VetCare daily to, for example, release muscle tension, optimize the healing process in case of wounds or relieve pain in case of joint problems.
On these occasions, I experience great effect from PharmaLight's LED light treatment:
I feel that the light treatment has a great effect on the body's lymphatic system, that is to say that the light helps the body clear out waste products etc. The light also has a great effect on strained/tense muscles.
This is how I treat preventively with PharmaLights LED light therapy:
By working in a preventive way with light treatments, we can reduce the risk of possible injuries both to animals and people during, for example, hard work. In many horses, it is common to have tension in both the neck and loin, which affects performance. Recurring treatments reduce the risk of problems and can therefore contribute to increased performance.
Here's what I do when treating various injuries with PharmaLight's LED light therapy:
It is important to individually adapt the treatment in order to optimize the ability to heal. Light of the right wavelength can provide the cells with the necessary energy to get started and quickly stimulate the body's ability to heal itself, as well as increase circulation.
Would you recommend PharmaLights LED light therapy to more customers?
I strongly recommend Pharmalight's products as they make a difference for both animals and people. A hot tip is to invest in a Photizo Vetcare for the medicine cabinet! It is easy to use both on yourself and on animals.

Name/Name of business:
My name is Hanna Pettersson and I run Hanna's horse massage & horse psychology and Hanna's horse shop.
How long have you been using PharmaLight's LED light therapy?
I started using Pharmalight's treatments in 2017 and continued since then when I noticed the difference it made out with my clients and on my own horse.
How do you use PharmaLight's LED light therapy in your daily business?
I often use it on horses with neck problems as they often find massage and other treatments can feel uncomfortable, but everyone usually loves the pharmalight and being able to relax and feel how it dissolves tension. I also use it as a supplement on horses that do not like to be touched. It may be due to tender skin or that they simply do not allow unknowns into the body or are in such pain that they think massage with hands is too strong precisely on the tender points, but after I have been treating for a while with the pharmalight the horses usually allow me to touch them more and feel relaxation and pain relief.
It is a great savior or emergency even for my wrists so it helps with the warm-up before a massage treatment.
On these occasions, I experience great effect from PharmaLight's LED light treatment:
I notice a big effect on e.g. the lymphatic system and bile, they disappear quickly. Also great effect over thin muscle parts over the skeleton such as the scapula and neck. Such a fast super good effect.
This is how I treat preventively with PharmaLights LED light therapy:
Treating all my clients' horses and my own prevention with, of course. Everything to be able to be there, based on your goals and ambitions with your horse, before any tension arises and provide extra support for muscles that are used extra hard for certain exteriors and things that the horse must be able to perform.
Here's what I do when treating various injuries with PharmaLight's LED light therapy:
When I treat various injuries with my wonderful unit, I set up the work based on what that particular horse needs. If they have an old tendon injury, there may be problems with the lymph or they have sore muscles that are in trouble. And based on that, I treat areas that are most critical for best results.
Would you recommend PharmaLights LED light therapy to more customers?
I really recommend all my clients about led light therapy. Anything that increases the horse's circulation and the body's own healing is nothing to turn down. Many of my customers have bought their own machines that they treat their horses and themselves with with some tips and ideas from me, and my visit likes and inspires more people to dare to try new things on themselves and their horses. I myself want to switch to and buy myself another slightly more efficient machine from pharmalight with led light treatment after several years of working with pharmalight.

How long have you been using PharmaLight's LED light therapy?
I have used pharmalight for about 6 years.
How do you use PharmaLight's LED light therapy in your daily business?
I use pharmalight's light treatment daily on both my own horses and at work. It can be anything from treating their vertebrae, tendons, back, neck or a full body treatment.
On these occasions, I experience great effect from PharmaLight's LED light treatment:
I feel a big difference when I've used light therapy regardless of the "injury", but the relief to the eye is, if you treat a wound or a swelling, then you really see how it helps and speeds up the healing.
This is how I treat preventively with PharmaLights LED light therapy:
For example, if I know that I have a horse that is sensitive in the back/lumbar, I treat before a riding session to start the blood circulation even more to make it easier for the horse. Or if I have a harder session for my horse, I put on the multi treatment form before and also after.
Here's what I do when treating various injuries with PharmaLight's LED light therapy:
How I do it is very different. Depends on what I'm going to treat. I make use of the multi treatment form if the horse, for example, needs a full-body treatment if, for example, it has training pain or is generally tired in the muscles. I use photizo professional if I have to treat vertebrae, tendons and knees, for example, but of course I also use it as a full-body treatment.
Would you recommend PharmaLights LED light therapy to more customers?
I would absolutely recommend everyone to use pharmalight's products as I think it makes such a big difference to our beloved horses who should always have the best!! A vetcare, for example, I think you should have a pharmacy in your stable